All in all, I'm extremely pleased with how my first instrument turned out. However, that's not to say it hasn't also been an amazing learning experience and a test of skill and patience. There are definitely things I will do differently next time, though minor:
-I don't think I will ever use a mechanical pencil to push an inlay into place again...stupid stupid...
-I think I will make my next side port slightly smaller--no particular reason, just a hunch. I might also try a design rather than simply an oval. I'd love to bind it, but I still haven't figured out a surefire way of doing so...also, a friend thought it would have looked cool had I not rounded the side port edges so much and lacquered them, but instead made the edge cut more squarely and perhaps unlacquered--I really like this idea and will try it next time.
-I would not worry about having too much epoxy or lacquer--I went too thin with the epoxy and it subsequently showed through the finish on the top. I may be the only one who really notices, but then again, who did I build the instrument for after all???
-Lacquer sanding. I would spend waaay more time and attention to detail leveling the final coats of KTM lacquer. It looks fine, but I think I could have gotten a more evenly flat final coat with better sanding. I did not notice any of this until final polishing. Also, I felt that the epoxy coats brought more of the grain out than the KTM did--perhaps I'll sand in between KTM coats to a finer grit next time--same for between the epoxy and KTM coat.
-I installed my tuning machines upside down. Oh well, I always do at least 1 thing upside down...could have been worse.
-Next time I will not bind my fingerboard with a piece of wood quite so wide.
-I will also be sure to make my binding ledges deeper--I lost a lot of binding material in the scraping process. I would have also liked more purfling on the soundboard.
-Oh! Pay attention here! BEFORE you epoxy, make sure there is NO sawdust--especially soundboard dust--in the pores of your back and sides. Trust me...
I'm sure there are more. Not to detract from how immensely satisfied I am with my final product, but there are all things I experienced and had I read about them from someone else, I probably would have avoid 80% of them or so...